fs odeskaOdeska oblast background

Odeska oblast is a southwestern part of Ukraine located along the northern coast of the Black Sea. Its administrative center is the city of Odesa.

Odeska oblast occupies an area of around 33, 300 square kilometers, the oblast’ population is 2.4 mln people, nearly 40 % of whom live in the city of Odesa.

Odeska oblast is administratively divided onto 26 rayons and 7 municipalities.

Significant branches of the oblast’s economy are: oil refining and chemicals processing, transportation (important sea and river ports), different forms of agriculture.

Intensive agriculture is the mainstay of the local economy. The region’s soils are renowned for their fertility. The southwest of the oblast possesses many orchards and vineyards, while arable corps are grown throughout the region.

Implementation of the EU/UNDP CBA Project during its first and second phases in Odeska Oblast

Implementation of the first phase of the EU/UNDP CBA Project commenced in Odeska region during March 2008. Second phase of the EU/UNDP CBA Project was launched in July 2011. During this time 112, 172  men, women and children of the region have benefitted from improvement in 50 schools/kindergartens, 13 health posts, 23 water supply, 7 street lightning micro projects. This happened

through the joint efforts of the citizens, oblast/rayon/local level governments, the CBA Project and private sponsors.

Third Phase of the EU/UNDP CBA Project

The Third phase of the EU/UNDP CBA Project was initiated in Odeska oblast with regional launching and signing of MoU which took place on 24th September, 2014. The oblast received a quota of 10 rayons for standard\replication components.

Rayons selected for CBA-III: Artsyzskiy, Baltskiy, Bolgradskiy, Izmaiylskiy, Kodymskiy, Kominternivskiy, Mykolayvskiy, Savranskiy, Saratskiy and Tatarbunarskiy rayons.

Micro projects approved as of 6 April 2016: 22 micro projects (1 – health, 14 – energy saving, 2 – water supply, 3 – energy efficiency, 2 – business start-up). Around 50,500 persons will benefit from implementation of these initiatives. Total budget for the initiatives is approx. UAH 7.3 mln (approx. USD 270,000 – 1 USD = 27.09 UAH). The EU/UNDP CBA Project will provide around UAH 5.1 mln (approx. USD 189,000).

During the Third Phase of the EU/UNDP CBA Project it is also expected to create 4 agricultural service cooperatives in two rayons of Odesa oblast – Bolgradskiy and Saratskiy.

The EU/UNDP CBA Project support for Internally Displaced Persons

The EU/UNDP CBA Project supported 2 micro projects in the oblast aimed to address this issue: full reconstruction of the boarding school for orphan children in Kotovsk city for accommodation of IDPs, for a total amount of more than UAH 1.5 mln (USD 67,570), out of this the EU/UNDP CBA Project part is more than UAH 920,000 (USD 41,440). In Kotovsk boarding school for orphan children, new doors were installed, capital repair of the building, internal premises and toilets, and sewerage, water supply, and electricity systems. In the reconstructed building around 90 IDPs will find a shelter.

Besides the reconstructed object in Kotovsk city, in Odessa region the EU/UNDP CBA Project officially opened another object for IDPs accommodation – rebuilt boarding school in Karolina-Bugaz, Ovidiopolskyi rayon. In the teaching building, hostel and crossing, new windows and doors were installed. Total cost of this micro project is more than 1 mln UAH (approx. USD 45,000), out of this, EU/UNDP contribution is more than 630,000 UAH (USD 28,380). 



  • 112 172 men, women and children

CBA Microprojects in Odeska oblast

  • 50 schools / kindergartens
  • 13 health posts
  • 23 water supply
  • 7 street-lightning


CBA-III Estimated Budget in Odeska Oblast

CBA Project will provide around USD 400 ths to support implementation of local community initiatives   (USD 40 ths for each rayon).

CBA Community Development Officers, Odeska oblast

Tetyana Mayak
mob. tel: (050) 417 74 48

tetyana mayak


Olena Pererva
mob. tel: (050) 386 92 08

Olena Pererva

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