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On 27 April 2016, a Resource center for Sustainable development was officially opened in Ivan Franko Zhytomyr State University under the joint UNDP/EU project “Community-based approach to local development” (CBA).

Present at the opening event were Svitlana Slabinska, CBA Monitoring and Communication Specialist, Petro Saukh, Rector of Zhytomyr State University, Larysa Yanovych, vice-rector for education, coordinator of Zhytomur University resource center and CBA project coordinator in Zhytomyr region, faculty staff and students.

During this event, the participants learnt about UNDP project activities, discussed the aspects of  local community development, sustainable development of Zhytomyr region, possibilities of cooperation between the University and UNDP, local authorities, and business. Besides, Resource center work plan for 2016  has been presented.


On 28 April 2016, University Resource Center was also opened in Lutsk National Technical University. Svitlana Slabinska and Oksana Urban, Resource Center Coordinator, presented the newly established center. Students of Lutsk National University also joined an initiative organized in the framework of the Week of Sustainable Development Week organized on 25-28 April 2016. One of numerous activities was planting trees near the University compound.

In total, the Network of Universities/CBA Partners now includes 40 Universities. 17 of them  have already included Sustainable development course in their curricula.



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